Psychological Evaluations:


Psychological Evaluations:

  • Bariatric - Conducted on individuals who are considering or have been recommended for bariatric surgery. This is a critical component of the pre-surgical process and aims to evaluate the mental and emotional readiness of the patient for weight loss surgery. It also helps identify potential psychological factors that could affect the success of the procedure and the patient's long-term well-being.

  • Bonding - Aims to measure and analyze the quality and strength of interpersonal connections, relationships, or affiliations between individuals. It is typically conducted to gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics and effectiveness of these bonds. It also assesses the level of trust, emotional connection, and mutual understanding between individuals. The objective is to identify strengths and weaknesses in the bond under examination and determine the impact of the bond on the overall well-being, productivity, or satisfaction of the parties involved.

  • Cognitive / Intellectual - Aims to measure the individual's cognitive abilities, intellectual functioning, and problem-solving skills. It is used for various purposes, including educational planning, clinical diagnosis, research, and job placement. It seeks to assess the individual's cognitive strengths and weaknesses, learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, or cognitive impairments. It is also used to determine cognitive baseline functioning for clinical diagnosis or treatment planning.

  • Fitness for duty - A specialized and systematic assessment conducted to determine if an individual possesses the mental, emotional, and psychological capabilities to perform their job safely, effectively, and without posing a risk to themselves, colleagues, or the public. The evaluation is often carried out in professional settings, especially in safety-sensitive occupations, where an individual's psychological well-being can have a significant impact on their job performance and the safety of others.

Forensic Evaluations:

  • Competency

  • Diminished Capacity

  • Not Guilty Reason of Insanity

  • Psychiatric

  • Psychological

Immigration Evaluations:

  • U & T VISA - Immigrant has been the victim of serious crimes within the U.S. (e.g., trafficking, sexual abuse) and is seeking eligibility to stay and work in the U.S. for up to four years.

  • VAWA - Immigrant client (of any gender) married to a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident (LPR) and later seeks legal status separate from their spouse due to the presence of domestic abuse.

  • Asylum - Exposure to extreme abuse, mistreatment, or deprivation in their home country, usually based on their religion, ethnicity, or politics.

  • Extreme Hardship - Citizen or LPR of the United States is the spouse, fiancée, parent, or child of an individual who may not be permitted to remain in the U.S. This evaluation supports the citizen or LPR and how they would be affected if their immigrant family member is deported.

  • Citizen Exam Waivers - Evaluations take the form of the N-648 waiver. This waiver supports a client’s request for exemption from the English and civics portions of the citizenship exam based on a disability.